Friday, January 15, 2010

Mr. Winkle Wakes
I just watched Mr. Winkle Wakes, and i thought it was very entertaining. It was a unique way of explaining how much the world really has changed with all the technology. Technology is getting so advanced so fast, that if you do not keep up, you will be left behind.

The Importance of Creativity
This video was an eye opener for me, I really enjoyed Mr. Robinson he was very entertaining, and he kept my attention. Everything he said made sense to me, I do not think that people realize how many categories we put others in just for being different. I totally agree with him; creativity is so important in ones life, and as a future educator I feel it is my responsibility to keep creativity in my students. Instead of giving a diagnosis because someone is different, I can learn to embrace the diversity, and create a learning environment that best fits my students.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
In this video, to have a technology class such as this one is so important. Mrs. Davis showed she was open to learn new things , and she did from her students. Technology is changing everyday, and it is so important for one to be educated on different software and different things our technology has to offer. I never knew how to blog until i got in this class edm 310, and I am keeping an open mind. :)

Did You Know 3.0
The Did you know 3.0 video i just watched was a bit interesting and scary at the same time. I like technology and the advances we have in the medical field are incredible, and without them we would not know as much as we do now. I fear though that the computer will become smarter than us, I may watch too many movies like Eagle Eye that scare me, but what if that really did happen? Technology sometimes frightens me because on the internet our personal business is out on the line for anyone to see.


  1. Charla,

    What are some ways that you can try and keep creativity in a classroom?

    Also, I did not see the Did you know 3.0 write up in your blog. Can you watch that one and post about it ASAP. Thanks.

  2. I have so many ways to keep the creativity going in the classroom. I found that I learn better when I have hands on activities. Teaching lessons can be so much fun when the children can put their own ideas in it (while learning of course)! For example: If a child has his or her own way of learning i would never take that away from them saying it's my was or the highway! I see that happen so many times I'm open to learn from my future students!
