Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dr. Christie's Site

Dr. Christie's site was very useful and interesting. I was going through all the topics and one that caught my eye was she was using GPS and the different ways you can use it and one was showing her kids how go Geo caching. I found that interesting because I enjoy Geo caching it is so much fun and educational. You utilize the internet, and the GPS. It is a lot of fun and a good reason to go outdoors.

I Pod in Instruction

I pods can be used for instruction in many different ways. One you can record things, two their is music on them, and three the children would enjoy using them.


  1. I agree that children would love using iPods. My younger cousins LOVE to play with mine.

  2. You brought up a good point about using technology like GPS to do educational activities that can also be fun! There are so many ways to learn new things and by infusing technology, which is so readily available these days, we can get students truly learning!

  3. You had some really good points about the iPod. I would have like to have been able to read more of your ideas.
